Monday, July 27, 2009

Fun at the Science Center

Well, to get you updated... Our family is spending the summer in Anaheim, CA. Lance is here working on an International Training Center and they were great enough to house and feed us all for the summer. We arrived on June 29 for the semi-annual training which was on "The Gospel of God" and was awesome. After the training we took a two day trip to Thousand Oaks, CA to visit some great friends from Phoenix and went to Ventura Beach. We then arrived in Anaheim to begin working. We stayed for a week and then back to Phoenix to meet up with my family for five days. After dropping them off at the aiport we drove back out to CA. We are planning on leaving August 6. Lance is working from 8-5 Mon thru Fri. The kids and I school in the morning, meet him at 12 for lunch, then we go "out" until 5pm dinner. For the first week we went to the library every afternoon for four hours. We did not have a card, so the kids just read while we were there. They love going to the library. I then discovered a summer pass to the Science Museum in Santa Ana which we just love. Now we alternate between the library and the museum. I still need to take them back to the beach and we discovered the metro train this past weekend. I also promised them a ride on that. We may combine the two if its not too costly.
Anyway, here are some pics from the Science Center. I took them all in the first day so I don't have to think about taking pictures everytime we go. I like to sit in one area and read while the younger ones play and the older ones explore the museum. You can click on the picture to see them all.

Sorry if this is patchy. I am trying to get it done before something else comes up and the kids are alternating coming in and out asking me random questions that could totally wait until I am not typing! Like, "Where are the Q-Tips?" "Can I paint?" "I just need to go in my room to get one thing." "Launa is in here stepping on my papers again." "Do you remember....?"
OK, a little silence. A little detail on the science center, little being the key word...They have a robots exhibit, Smoky Bear exhibit, Hockey Exhibit plus all the regulars. We spend a day on a different section until we cover it all. Then we dwaddle in our favorites.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Firefighter Museum

This past week my family (minus Stephen) came out the AZ for a visit. Due to the outdoor temperatures (ex: 115), we did some indoor activities during the day and swam in the evenings. One of our adventures was the Firefighters Hall of Flame in Phoenix. We have intended to go for the last few years but never made it. They have a special story time for groups of 10 or more. Since we met the requirement, we decided to go that route. It was nice. A firefighter read a story to the kids and went over some safety matters, he toured us through the museum and then showed a movie. The songs really stuck with the kids and we had to listen to them sing the songs until we left. Never can get too much Little Richard (well actually we could). We took tons of pictures and you can see some of them by clicking on the photo above. I mainly posted the ones with my kids. My brother, Stash, his wife, Krys, and their two kids, Sydney and Seth were with us. Also along was Drue's friend Cassia. She has made it in a couple of our blogs! We love you Cassia as one of ours.

Friday, July 17, 2009

I'm Back

Photo taken July 2009

Well, I have taken quite a break. Not intentionally, just been busy and haven't made time to blog. We are spending the summer in Anaheim, CA and I seem to have a little more time to get on the computer. Although, I do have a first grader on my right that needs attention at times!

I will blog about my summer and try to recap the last six months. I can hardly believe it has been that long. Posts will most likely not be in order of happenings, but in order of pictures uploaded.

Drue is 12

One more year and we have a teenager in our house. She won't let us forget that. On May 23rd our oldest turned 12. We celebrated once with lunch with her best friend Cassia at Chili's and once with dinner with Papa and Bro. Roger at Olive Garden. She received a laptop (for school) from her Dad and Papa in Florida.

She just completed sixth grade and is ready for Jr. High. It is so hard to believe she is that old. She is becoming such a wonderful young lady. She is a great big sister and helps us out more than she knows.