Sunday, November 18, 2007

Guitar Recital

Drue has been taking guitar lessons for a few months. A great friend of ours told her that if she got a guitar, she would teach her to play. We went out and bought her a guitar from Wal-Mart for her birthday. It works well but is not the best sounding (the last two strings make more of a twang sound). You see, we didn't want to invest a whole lot of money in case she didn't really like it. I remember taking piano lessons!!!

She and another girl from the virtual academy take lessons together. Her teacher decided to have a recital for the girls. It was so sweet. They took turns playing songs with the teacher singing and then played one all together at the end. They both did a wonderful job. After the recital, she asked if she could get a nicer guitar. After all her hard work, and a conversation with her dad, he has decided to purchase her a nicer guitar. Now I am researching and looking for a nice one, not too expensive, not too big--and have no idea what I am doing.

I have a video, but it is taking forever to upload. I will try again another time. I don't really have time to wait right now.


The Todds said...

It is too cool that she loves to play. I bet she had a great time at the recital. What a great idea.

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