Thursday, September 11, 2008


We spent a week in Florida during the last week of August. (I will post on that later) One of those days we spent with Mema. The older two kids spent the night (it was the first time for Lukas to spend the night with Mema) and then the rest of us went over for lunch and a greater part of the day the next day. We spent time looking through a photo album and learning more about our ancestry. We had a great time and hopefully didn't wear Mema out. You can click on the picture for more pictures at Mema's.


Kelly in NC said...

SOunds as if you have had a busy summer and will have an even busier fall! How fun to visit your Mema. I have a visit planned to see Maw Maw in October.

By the way, I like your new blog background. It's new, right?

Tiffany said...

I'm sure Mema enjoyed the visit even if she was tuckered out!

And I like your new blog background, too. I didn't notice it the other night when I was on - but it jumped right out at me today!

Anonymous said...

i think the archive you wirte is very good, but i think it will be better if you can say more..hehe,love your blog,,,