Thursday, September 11, 2008


I will attempt to recap our summer in brief. In June, I visited the Grand Canyon with the young people. Lance stayed home with the kids as I wasn't sure I wanted to have them too close to the canyon. We had fun, but I did not get very many pictures. In July I went to CA for a training on the book of Luke for one week (also by myself) and had a great time. In August I went to Lakeside (up north) for the Summer School of Truth with the young people, once again by myself. Lance had a lot of quality time with the kids this summer.
Lukas and Samuel tested for and received their yellow belts. They are now in the "Black Belt Club" and have new blue uniforms. They are learning more advanced kicks and to use nunchucks.
Launa is growing up so much. She won't stop talking for a minute. She loves to tell stories, most of which are not true or even believable. Drue was gone for the summer to FL and since she has returned has read so many books I cannot even keep track.
Now everyone has begun school. Lance has started online classes with the community college and will be earning his RN. This semester he is taking Biology, Algebra, English 101 and Psychology. We haven't seen much of him since he started. He comes out for meals and occassionaly to stretch. It has been 14 years since he graduated high school and he has no college experience.
Drue started sixth grade with Abeka Academy. She has DVDs that include instruction from teachers at Abeka Academy in FL and then does all her work here at home. It is working out great for her and especially for me. Keep reading and you'll see why.
Lukas started third grade and is still with the AZ Virtual Academy. The majority of his work is online, but directed solely by me. He will begin to work independently in fourth grade.
Samuel has begun kindergarten. He is too young for AZVA and too readt to wait another year. He has started reading and does basic math. He loves "school".
Launa is learning to be quiet while everyone else is doing school. She shows no interest in learning (school or to be quiet). So she gets to play with her babies all day in her room.
I am balancing my time between all four students and trying to keep Launa calm for the sake of the others.


Tiffany said...

Sounds like a great summer. I'm glad to hear you had some "me" time. That's great!

Congrats to Sam and Lukas on their Karate accomplishments.

Good luck to Lance with his schooling.

And I hope everyone has a great homeschool year - even Launa.

The Todds said...

Wow! That was a jam-packed summer and a very busy start to school. You sound like you have it all under control. I hope you all have a great school year!

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