Disclaimer: All poses are the sole idea of the persons in the picture.
The finished product. The boys added ingredients and mixed the batter. Mom did the icing. They told me I should work at Sam's Club decorating cakes. Aren't they the sweetest boys!
THE BIRTHDAY BOY very happy that it is his birthday.
Lukie and his Launa. Now these two are tight.
The very "posed" Drue and Lukas.

Lukas, Sam, Daniel and Bro. Roger at Jason's Deli. Papa and Nick also joined us for dinner, but Papa was taking the pictures and Nick was beside him.
Lukas learned to knit just a few days before this with two pencils and a shoe string. I would not buy him needles until he learned how to knit. I thought he was too young. Come to find out, he is too determined. Drue gives him lessons three days a week. He doesn't let her forget. (As a side note, I think Drue was "talking" on Launa's phone. Launa found it very entertaining and I didn't realize that she was in the picture. She will really appreciate this being on the internet in a few more years.)
I knew there was something else I wanted to comment on. Love the "extra" picture of Drue! Definitely leverage for something in the future!
And I'm so impressed that Lukas knows how to knit - Drue, too. I think I may need to take lessons from them. I don't know how to do anything domestic like that! But Ms. Jacobs did teach me how to sew on a button and sew a hem. I can still do both of those!
Happy, Happy Birthday. The boys did a grat job on the cake (so did Mom). I, too, am very impressed with the knitting going on in your household. Lukas is like a "MacGyver" (Do you remember that show from the 80's?)knitter, using pencils and shoestrings. I would love to see what he could do with a piece of gum and a blade of grass!
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