Monday, February 05, 2007

Sledding--part 2

This is a picture from inside the truck as we were driving up the mountain.

Even Papa joined in the fun.

He was going down front ways but turned just as I was taking the picture.
Mom and Launa

Launa. I think she was the warmest one out there.

I did go down the hill, on a sled, with Lance. He was very shocked that I said I would go down. Honestly, I was too. It was very scary as there was so much snow flying in my face that I could not see. (I'm not a very adventurous person.) It was fun (I guess), but I am not sure if I will ever do it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks as if you had lots of fun! Sledding becomes less scary oncwe you learn how to control the sled. Man do I have stories! I think that with growing up in FL you just don't get the experience as a child!