Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanks T

My dear blogging friend, but more importantly friend since 2nd grade (well, I haven't really seen her in almost 10 years, but that doesn't count) helped me to get a "shelfari" book shelf on my site. She has one and I always know what she is reading. What a person reads can allow you know them in a better way. She also gives reviews, maybe I can do that too. In fact, here is my first one:
The older kids and I are reading through the Bible. We started a while back at Genesis 1 and are somewhere in the beginning of Exodus. We do not really have an ending time goal, just want to get through it in a thorough way, trying to retain some of it along the way. We really enjoy it and it is a book I would recommend to everyone.

While trying to put this shelf on my blog I also learned how to add blogs that I read. I don't read a great variety, but am a faithful reader to those that I do read. It is really just a way for me to keep up with some friends from school and some that I have met along the way. I enjoy seeing their kids and how they are growing. I feel as if I am just as much a part of their lives now as I was in high school even though I haven't seen them since I left Florida.


We discovered a cactus shaped like a Y. If you look over Lance's left shoulder you can see it in the distance. If you look at Sam, he is imitating it.

We have found that we really enjoy hiking. So we decided to do a little more of it. We even thought we should do some local hiking in between trips to Sedona. We go to Sedona to visit the state parks and hike at them. Anyway, we took the boys and Launa (Drue was at her friend's house) to Cave Creek, AZ to hike. We were hoping to see bugs, wild animals and some cool rocks. We found a few cool rocks, saw a praying mantis and few dogs. Afterward, we went to a horse riding place to see a teepee. As we approached the teepee we noticed that it was being inhabited by three donkeys. I did not go into the area with the donkeys, but Lance ventured in. The donkeys came out to greet us and I ran for the porch. I am of no help at all in times of danger. Lance and the kids soon followed. Sammie leading that pack. The owner told us that two of the three were friendly. We decided to stay on the porch. The biggest donkey came up to the steps and started making the most annoying "hee-haw, hee-haw" sound. The owner told us that he was hungry and he stopped making the noise as she opened the fridge. Smart donkey. She asked the kids if they wanted to feed the donkey a carrot. Sammie immediately said no, Lukas shook his head no, but Luana said she wanted to. She is so brave. After Lukas saw that Launa could do it he decided he would give it a try. Sammie still was not interested. We also saw miniature horses and regular horses. The kids did get to go inside the teepee after the donkeys went for a hike of their own.

She's Here!!!

We have been earnestly praying and eagerly awaiting the arrival of Eliana Lily for the past year. Our great friends, the Jengs, told us about their adopting of a daughter in China about a year ago. The day finally arrived and on Nov. 21 they came home. We were there with two other families to greet them at the airport. You can click on Eliana's name above to visit their blog.

We can see them.......
Here they are!! YEAH!!!! After being gone for 3 weeks and24 hours of flying they are so happy to see everyone. Daniel is their 6 year old son. He and Lukie are best buds. (The one he plays hockey with)
Don't you love how the girls are "petting" Eliana. These two (Launa and Janelle) are also best buds. They had been talking about Eliana coming home for the three weeks they were in China. They are happy to have a new "best friend."

Another Orange Belt

Our newest Orange Belt

Samuel earned his orange belt in November. He did a great job. He had taken a little break so he is a month behind Lukas in earning belts. It actually works out well. Now Lukas feels like he needs to help his brother and Samuel is more open to taking instruction from Lukas.