Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Our Baby is 3!!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Click on the picture for more pictures in Sedona.
We took the kids to Sedona a few days before Drue left for the summer. We went on a hike that had been suggested to us. It was beautiful and very shaded. We hiked in the morning to avoid the heat. By the time we left around 11am, it was warming up a lot. The kids enjoyed taking off their shoes and walking in the creek. The water was so cold it hurt my feet and gave me a headache. I walked along the dry rocks while they braved the water. None of them thought it was too cold.
We also spent a lot of time at the pool. Samuel was practicing swimming underwater and did a wonderful job. Lukas learned to swim underwater without holding his nose.
On our way home, we decided to go to the caves where there are heiroglyphs. They were closed. We then went into Cottonwood's Visitor Station and found out that there is Ft. in Verde Valley. Ft. Verde. The kids (and I) were surprised at what the fort looked like. Not at all like the forts we are used to seeing. We had just been to St. Augustine. The ranger was great and gave the kids a lot of info. She then gave them papers to complete that would allow them to become "Jr. Rangers". This made the tour a lot more educational. We learned so many things. After completing the paper, they were sworn in and received buttons and a map of AZ with space for buttons from all the National Parks. Now the kids want to visit all the parks and collect the buttons. We will try to hit as many has we can. It may take us a few years.